-warning an outbreak has been detected-

Sir! our soldier's conventional weapon has no effect on enemy!

-sending in Samurai Girl, she's our last hope-

you will play as samurai girl, strongest agent of containment foundation, exterminate all monster in the underground lap before it reach to surface and doom all humanity,

How to play:

select tile of player unit - select unit for further action

WASD - move camera

move   - click tile to move (1 action point/tile)

attack  - click enemy tile to attack (2 action point/attack)

skill      - under construction

end turn - end your turn

action and move point will refill at start of your next turn

Team member

1. GustGaleStorm -  programmer, game design, pixel artist and 2d artist

2. JeckIsLive  -  sound and music provider


3. Yuugen/Gong - 2d artist



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good game, would be nice if there was a gallery that would show all the scenes after clearing the game.

(2 edits)

Good concept, middling first-time execution.

The size of the UI elements, and the way they're coded into the game, you effectively have 50% of a screen to work with. Personally, I hate when games display giant avatars on the side of the screen covering half the playable area, but at least you made the conscious effort to make it translucent when hovered over so you can see behind it.

It would also be nice if it just auto-selected your character at the start of any given turn, so you don't have to click them again or accidentally hit "End Turn" when you want to move or attack. Unless you're planning to add more playable characters, I see no reason not to do it this way.

Finally, I wonder if it wouldn't be better to have action points shared between movement and attacks. Five total action points, move using one AP per square, and attack using two AP. Then when you finally get to skills, you could have things like:

  • "Movement only costs ½ AP this turn."
  • "Attack a square [# of AP] times at 75% damage. Uses all AP."
  • "Attacks hit enemies adjacent to both you and target, but cost +1 AP."
  • "Increase attack range by remaining AP, but only in straight lines."

thanks for the feed back!